Customer Reviews

"The material of the sweater is really comfortable and soft, keeps you real warm!! True to size 100% if you wear sweaters all year around like myself I definitely recommend Pharaoh shop"

- Kay

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Why shop Pharaoh?

Wear clothes that help you show up as yourself.


The Pharaoh brand was created with the purpose to empower and uplift. The clothing serves as a reminder that you will always be royalty. Check out more of our story.

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  • Styling a Classic Pharaoh T-shirt

    Styling a Classic Pharaoh T-shirt

    Pharaoh Shop was created with the idea that we all deserve to feel comfortable in our own skin. It was meant to show people that no matter the adversity, you...

    Styling a Classic Pharaoh T-shirt

    Pharaoh Shop was created with the idea that we all deserve to feel comfortable in our own skin. It was meant to show people that no matter the adversity, you...

  • Creating Your Own Online Store with Shopify

    Creating Your Own Online Store with Shopify

    Creating Your Own Online Store with Shopify In today's digital age, establishing an online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. The Pharaoh Shop store has grown and continues...

    Creating Your Own Online Store with Shopify

    Creating Your Own Online Store with Shopify In today's digital age, establishing an online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. The Pharaoh Shop store has grown and continues...

  • Unveiling the Enigmatic Influence of Pharaohs on Fashion

    Unveiling the Enigmatic Influence of Pharaohs o...

    Throughout history, fashion has often been shaped by iconic figures and cultural movements. One such captivating era that continues to inspire designers and enthusiasts alike is ancient Egypt, where the...

    Unveiling the Enigmatic Influence of Pharaohs o...

    Throughout history, fashion has often been shaped by iconic figures and cultural movements. One such captivating era that continues to inspire designers and enthusiasts alike is ancient Egypt, where the...

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